Load and Transform – Core Data Concepts

Load and Transform

The key to any ELT workflow is the destination data store’s ability to process data without needing to store it in-engine. MPP technologies do this by fitting a schema over one or more files that are stored in ADLS or Azure Blob Storage. The destination data store only manages the schema of the data and not the storage of it. These external tables allow engineers to query and process data as they would a table that is stored in the destination data store but minimizes the amount of storage required by it. Transformations that are performed on the virtualized data take advantage of the features and capabilities of the destination data store but are applied to the data in object storage.

The three Azure technologies that can perform load & transform operations in an ELT workflow are Azure HDInsight, Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse Analytics.

  • Azure HDInsight is a managed cloud service that lets data engineers build and manage Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Storm, and HBase clusters that can process stored data in ADLS or Azure Blob Storage. HDInsight clusters use Apache Hive to project a schema on data in object storage without needing to persist the data locally on the cluster. This decoupling of compute from storage allows clusters to process data at scale.
  • Azure Databricks is a fully managed, cloud-based data platform that allows data engineers to build enterprise-grade Spark-powered applications. Databricks was built by the same team that built Apache Spark and provides a highly optimized version of the open-source version of the Spark runtime. Azure Databricks is a specific implementation of Databricks that includes native integration with a variety of Azure-based storage such as ADLS, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Databricks provides a similar mechanism to decoupling compute from storage as Azure HDInsight but has a few key advantages. For one, Azure Databricks provides native integration with Azure Active Directory for identity and access management. Azure Databricks also provides easier ways to manage clusters by letting data engineers manually pause clusters or set an auto-shutdown after being idle for a fixed amount of time. Clusters can also be set to auto-scale to support different workload sizes.
  • Azure Synapse Analytics is a comprehensive data analytics platform that includes tools for data ingestion, transformation, exploration, and presentation. For the purposes of this section, we will focus on the three tools that can be used for the load and transform phases: dedicated SQL pools, serverless SQL pools, and Apache Spark pools.
    • Dedicated SQL pools, formerly known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse, store data in relational tables with columnar storage. A dedicated SQL pool can scale up or down depending on how large the workload is and can be paused when it’s not being used. Data engineers can choose to virtualize data that is stored in object storage with either PolyBase or the COPY statement. PolyBase uses external tables to define and access the data in Azure object storage. PolyBase requires the creation of a few external objects to be able to read data. These include an external data source that points to the data’s location in either ADLS or Azure Blob Storage, an external file format that defines how the data is formatted, and finally the actual external table definition. The COPY statement is a newer command for loading data into a dedicated SQL pool. It simplifies the load process by requiring only a single T-SQL statement that needs to be run instead of needing to create multiple database objects. It also includes some additional features to what PolyBase offers. Going forward, the COPY statement should be used to load data from ADLS and Azure Blob Storage to a dedicated SQL pool.
    • Serverless SQL pool is an interactive service that allows developers to query data in ADLS or Azure Blob Storage. It is a distributed data processing system, built for large-scale data explorations. There is no infrastructure to set up or clusters to maintain since it is serverless. A default endpoint for a serverless SQL pool is provisioned for every Azure Synapse Analytics workspace that is deployed. Data engineers and data analysts can use the OPENROWSET function to query files in Azure object storage and can create external tables or views to maintain the structure of the data for later usage. Serverless SQL pools support T-SQL for users querying and processing data.
    • Apache Spark pools allow data engineers to deploy Spark clusters using the open-source version of Spark to process large volumes of data.

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