Category: Describe Analytics Techniques

Extract – Core Data Concepts

Extract The first phase of an ETL process involves extracting data from different source systems and storing it in a consolidated staging layer that is easier for the transformation tools to access. Data sources are typically heterogenous and are represented by a wide variety of data formats. The staging layer can be transient to cut …

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Stored Procedures – Relational Databases in Azure

Stored Procedures Stored procedures are groups of one or more T-SQL statements that perform actions on data in a database. They can be executed manually or via an external application (e.g., custom .NET application, Azure Data Factory). They can also be scheduled to run at predetermined periods of time with a SQL Server Agent job, …

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Azure SQL – Relational Databases in Azure

Azure SQL Azure SQL is a broad term used to describe the family of SMP relational database products in Azure that are built upon Microsoft’s SQL Server engine. These include one IaaS option with SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (VM) and two PaaS options with Azure SQL MI and Azure SQL Database. Azure SQL …

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SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine – Relational Databases in Azure

SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine There are several reasons why an organization would want to migrate its applications to the cloud. Perhaps the most common reason is to offload the maintenance of hardware and networking equipment that it either owns or leases to a cloud provider. Expiring datacenter leases or aging hardware force many …

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Business Continuity – Relational Databases in Azure

Business Continuity There are multiple solutions available in Azure to ensure that data hosted on SQL Server VMs is highly available in the event of several outage scenarios, ranging from planned downtime to datacenter-level disasters. These include solutions that provide database backup management at the database level and high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) capabilities …

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