Year: 2024

Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) – Core Data Concepts

Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) ETL pipelines process data in a linear fashion with a different step for each phase. They first collect data from different sources, transform the data to remove dirty data and conform to business rules, and load the processed data into a destination data store. This approach has been used in …

Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) – Core Data ConceptsRead More

Deploying through the Azure Portal – Relational Databases in Azure

Deploying through the Azure Portal Deploying services in Azure can be done manually on the Azure Portal or automated using a scripting language (e.g., PowerShell or Bash) or an Infrastructure as Code template. SQL Server on Azure VMs are no different than any other service in this aspect, providing users multiple options for managing the …

Deploying through the Azure Portal – Relational Databases in AzureRead More

Azure SQL Managed Instance – Relational Databases in Azure

Azure SQL Managed Instance Migrating SQL Server workloads to Azure can provide more benefits than simply offloading hardware management. Organizations can also take advantage of PaaS benefits that remove the overhead of managing a virtual machine, such as the OS and the SQL Server instance from users. However, applications that require instance-scoped features will still …

Azure SQL Managed Instance – Relational Databases in AzureRead More

Service Tiers – Relational Databases in Azure

Service Tiers There are two service tiers available for Azure SQL MI: Table 2.3 outlines some of the key differences between the two tiers. The descriptions listed are for the Gen5 hardware version of Azure SQL MI. TABLE 2.3  Azure SQL MI service tier characteristics Feature General Purpose Business Critical Number of vCores 4, 8, …

Service Tiers – Relational Databases in AzureRead More

Network Isolation – Relational Databases in Azure

Network Isolation An Azure SQL MI is required to be placed inside a VNet upon creation. On top of this requirement, the subnet that the Azure SQL MI is deployed to must be dedicated to hosting one or more Azure SQL MIs. This requirement restricts access to databases hosted on the Azure SQL MI to …

Network Isolation – Relational Databases in AzureRead More